Vèrio color

White or gray.

Vèrio exists in two color variants: white and gray. The double coloring is particularly useful for original architectural solutions, both in the contract and residential sectors, but also in exhibition contexts or to identify specific spaces.

Vèrio, glass walls for the division of offices


In contemporary work environments, the need to modulate privacy, space, the flow of communications, the brightness of the environments makes Vério LCD glass a unique solution to solve multiple requests.
Each office becomes a meeting room, each wall a projector, each glass a highly sanitizable sound barrier as well as a dynamic screen against the sun, for total well-being of the working environment.

Benefits: modular spaces with a button, privacy or open flow of information, projection screen, reduced wall clutter, modern design, natural lighting for greater well-being

Applications: office walls, conference rooms, relaxation rooms, toilets, waiting rooms, external glass


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