Vèrio Smart Glass, the LCD glass that since 2008 transforms space and privacy with a simple touch

Privacy, design and well-being through an intelligent glass with the possibility of our service that follows the customer from the inspection to the testing, passing through the construction and assembly; Flexlite's experience and professionalism as a guarantee.


Vèrio is more than privacy

Vério is the intelligent glass made in Italy since 2008, used for its property to create privacy in the spaces for their occupants, but its applications are not limited to this: Verio can increase the value of any environment thanks to its many advantages. More than just switchable glass.


vèrio radiocomando pellicola LCD

Vèrio the evolution of LCD glass into a contemporary product

Vério is a final product that evolves the concept of glass and gives additional value to the environment in which it is inserted. It can be supplied with its frame, controllers and apps and under Flexlite guarantee, it is ready to be used. Simpler, more performing and practical than any LCD film.


Vèrio full service: LCD glass from design to testing.

Behind Vèrio there is the experience of Flexlite in a service that takes care of the entire supply process, following it directly, so as to leave the customer only the pleasure of glass


verio consulenza e produzione


Private house, TV show 'Change home, change my life'

For a famous TV program, architect Castrignano, used Verio to make a complete wall to separate the home office from the living room; ideally the living room is open view, but to increase the privacy of the studio the property to become opaque and the and sound-absorbing properties of Verio were ideal.
This project well shows the possibility of using LCD glass also as a decorative and not functional only material, with a high final aesthetic result.

Shower box for private villa

Separating and creating privacy are certainly the main features of Vério but also its resistance to water; in this way one of its main uses is in glass walls of the showers For a private client we supplied our electric glass provided with its profiles and ready to be mounted in this new villa, contributing to the creation of an exclusive home space with a unique design.

Suite 'La Dolce Vita' Roman Hotel

Room comfort is certainly a fundamental part of the overall experience of a hotel stay and technological design components such as Vério contribute to increase this comfort standard and guests’ relax and satisfaction.
A renowned hotel in Rome has chosen our privacy glass for its Suite to guarantee its guests the well-being and comfort at the highest level that a made in Italy product can bring.

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